Category Archives: CRWRITING

Post 1 Postface 2: The Utah Teapot Section

SaxoLaxo-Utah-Teapot-Old-MapFor those who’ve trudged through the last two posts rest assured that once the auxiliary Post 1 material is depleted we will not be carrying on with each successive post requiring meta tethering to each previous one. I.e. the fact that these opening lines are rudely unsalutational and may leave you feeling like your friend’s mother just assigned him chores upon your arrival for a play date is not the pervading vibe I’m trying to establish here. This convention is the black smoke as the engine cold starts. And, sure, note the irony that it’s my action of mentioning this that has created yet another meta tethering so really let’s just jump into the post proper and I’ll clear up what’s going on and if YOUR SCANNING EYES CAUGHT SIGHT OF THESE WORDS before starting at the top just spare yourself and pick up at the paragraph below.

Ech — as a spacing concern let’s not bother starting the content here; web formatting is so variable. Overleaf / after the jump / doot di do. Continue reading